St. Patrick’s Parish Skerries
Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),
We hope you are keeping well and safe during these difficult days.
As a way of supporting you at home and helping you pray with your children, we are providing a space on Wednesday evenings for families to join us for Bible Stories and Prayer.
The family prayer time will be on the parish webcam (visit and follow the webcam link) as well as the parish radio (87.5FM) and will begin at 7.30pm each Wednesday evening beginning this Wednesday April 22nd.
Each family prayer time will focus on a Bible story with ways of praying based on the story and will cater for all children attending school.
We promise we won’t keep you too long and we hope that you can join us as a way of linking parish, home and school during these days of ‘separation’.
During these uncertain days for us all, praying at home is a great way of uniting your family. Even if they don’t seem to pay attention, nothing of what you do as a parent is lost, every little counts, and contributes to building up your child’s faith. By seeing you pray, they will also learn to pray.
Remember - When you pray with your child:
And always remember…
With every good wish and blessing,
Fr. James & Fr. Melvyn