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Arts and Crafts Monies 2020/21

Arts and Crafts monies

                                                                                                                 June 22nd, 2020


Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Arts and crafts Fees for the next school year, 2020/21, will be as follows: One child: 55 Euro, Two Children: 100 euro, Three Children: 140 Euro.

We are now using the DataBiz Online Payments facility, which may be accessed through the school website:

This application makes it possible for Parents/Guardians to pay fees online, using either a debit or credit card.

You can log on to the application by clicking Databiz Solutions on the homepage.

  1. To register with the Online Payments application for the first time:
  2. Open the Databiz Solutions webpage.
  3. Click on the ‘Log In ‘button.
  4. On the next screen, click on the ‘Request a New Password ‘link.
  5. Enter your Contact Number (previously provided to the school) and Email in the fields provided and click ‘Send New Password ‘.
  6. You should receive an email with your new password (if the email is not in your inbox please check your Junk/Spam folder).
  7. Return to the webpage and enter your email address and new password received and click ‘Log In ‘.
  8. Choose the DataBiz Online Payments option.
  9. You will see the list of charges assigned to your child(ren), enter the amount being paid against each charge and click ‘Pay Now ‘.

Cash/Cheque payments will also be received by class teacher in September and receipts issued.

On behalf of the staff we would like to thank you all for your support during these unusual times and we very much look forward to our return to school on August 28th. Any changes in our planned return to school we will inform you asap. In the meantime, may we wish you all restful summer.

Kind regards,

Maria, Conor and all of the staff at Scoil Moibhi

