Arts and Crafts monies
June 22nd, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are now using the DataBiz Online Payments facility, which may be accessed through the school website:
This application makes it possible for Parents/Guardians to pay fees online, using either a debit or credit card.
You can log on to the application by clicking Databiz Solutions on the homepage.
Cash/Cheque payments will also be received by class teacher in September and receipts issued.
On behalf of the staff we would like to thank you all for your support during these unusual times and we very much look forward to our return to school on August 28th. Any changes in our planned return to school we will inform you asap. In the meantime, may we wish you all restful summer.
Kind regards,
Maria, Conor and all of the staff at Scoil Moibhi